Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 57 - An Old Cemetery

I didn't mean for this picture to have a blurry foreground. I used my zoom lens all day today and most pictures were "fuzzy"... ???

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 55 - Dolls


 There is a doll store is our town. We visited it today.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day 53 - Star Fish

Last Wednesday while driving with the kids we saw a store with a sign that said "Pet Shop". We went in and learned that the only pet they sell is fish. Many, many kids of fish, including star fish. While at the store that day, I took many photos and I was able to post a couple of fish photos in this blog. That day we also decided to buy two gold fish plus a small tank. After we brought it home, we decided that we wanted more than 2 fish and a bigger tank. We went back to the store today and got a bigger tank. While there I took some pictures of these star fish. Not the sharpest pictures or greatest background, but taking pictures in the store wasn't as easy today as it was Wednesday. We will be going back to this store often. So, I think I will post another sea creature in the future.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 49 - A Church Steeple

I've been wanting to photograph Saint John's Church for a while. I took several pictures of the church, but the lines were not straight. Oops....The building leaned like this:

I read a nice article on the subject here. So, I will use this info in the future when photographing buildings.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 48 - Books

Lately every time I visit a library I go to the photography section and spend a great deal of time looking at  books on the subject. I mainly look at the pictures for ideas and inspiration and then bring some home to read and decide which ones I like best.  These are the ones I have at home now.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 47 - A Railroad Bridge

On my way home from work, I didn't drive on the main road. I went of the back roads and found this....

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 46 - A Painting

As I was driving home today, I was trying to figure out what to photograph. I had not idea. I decided to go home on a different road than the usual one. As soon as I turned on Abbey Road I saw this barn with a horse on it. That was it!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 45 - Valentine's Day

Wine and Flowers

Save Me San Francisco Wine (from the band Train). California 37 and Drops of Jupiter.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 43 - Another Sunset

A sunset wasn't in the plans for the photo of the day, but it was getting late and I didn't have a picture. After taking daughter to her dancing class, I saw the beautiful sunset and decided to go to a different spot to photograph it. That wasn't a good idea. Too much snow everywhere to find a parking spot. I went back to the usual hill and got a picture, this time with snow in the foreground.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 42 - Snow, Fog, Rain

There was not school today and there won't be school tomorrow. Most roads in town only have one lane open, while the other lane is covered in snow. It is not safe to drive. We have been home since Friday.  Today was rainy and very foggy. This is a view of our backyard. I took the picture from a window in our house. To my surprise this is a picture straight out of the camera taken in manual mode.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 40 - Snow Storm, Part II

 Vanessa and William buried in the snow

A view of our house from route 66!

Almost 3 feet of snow....

But, the sun came out in the afternoon!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 39 - A Snow Storm

It started this morning and it won't end until tomorrow.....I can't wait to see how much more we will get...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 37 - A Duck

This was the cutest duck to photograph. I think it was posing for me. Every time it heard the clicking of the camera, it turned this way and the other.  Really cute!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 35 - Shawls and Blankets

Tonight is my Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting. A group of women from our church meets every month to knit and crochet Prayer Shawls and White Baptismal blankets. Crocheting is an activity I truly enjoy and being part of this ministry has been a very rewarding experience. This is a sample of the work we do.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 34 - A Guitar/Ukulele Player

Husband wanted a new profile picture for his Facebook page. We headed down the brook on our backyard and had a fun time trying different poses first with the Ukulele and then the guitar. The bright sun and all the tree twigs and tree branches in the background made it a bit of a challenge. Lens used: 50 mm.

This one with the ukulele

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 33 - Some Sheep

Today at work I asked my coworker where I could go to take a photo. He mentioned a farm not far and easy to get to. I was very pleased to find this place with lots of sheep on a big field. As soon as I came closer, the sheep came running toward me thinking that perhaps I was going to feed them. Poor sheep. It was just me the lady with the camera. I liked that they were running in a single line.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 32 - A Horse

I had a really busy day and as I was coming home from running errands I saw horses on a farm. The horses were really close to the road, but by the time I turned around and parked, the horses had walked really far. So, I used the zoom lens. I used a new lens I got this week and I am getting use to it. I took many pictures, but I was not completely happy with the sharpness of the pictures and/or some distracting background.