Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 7 - A Red "Barn"

Every week on our way to piano lessons, I make a mental note to ask Mrs. Krupa to let me park on her driveway a little longer after the class, so I can walk on her road and take a picture of this barn. But, I either forget to ask or if I remember I realized I didn't have my camera with me. Today, I just drove by and stopped right in front of it. I took several pictures, kind of quickly, since I left the car running. This is what I got.


  1. Wow as they say "Picture Perfect"

    1. Thank you, Pam, for the very kind comments!....It is so great hearing from other photographers!

  2. Great shot Olga. There's nothing like a red barn against white snow! I'm doing a 365 project as well. Check it out here if you like.
